soft shades

Roman Shades - Inside or Outside Mount

Roman Shades - Inside or Outside Mount

Deciding where to mount Roman Shades on your windows?  Partly determined by your window.  Partly determined by your design preferences.  Partly determined by the type of shades you want.

Roman Shade Headers, Hardware and A Good Fit

Roman Shade Headers, Hardware and A Good Fit

A case study of how window casings, hardware styles and Roman shade header rails can alter the fit of an inside mount shade.  Light flares and privacy gaps and pull cords - Oh My!

Vines and Lines: Using Fabric in Design

Vines and Lines: Using Fabric in Design

 A window treatment project becomes the basis for an exploration of contrasting design elements.  Do lines and vines contrast or complement?  Or, perhaps both - to everyone's delight!  Pictures and very nice fabrics.